Friday, May 1, 2009

Chinta Ria Malaysian Restaurant, Sydney

Can anything make you happier than good Malaysian food when you're in the mood for it? What if you took that glorious food and served it in a breezy wooden bungalow nestled amongst leafy trees.... you now have yourself a good picture of Chinta Ria - a Malaysian restaurant at the edge of Darling Harbour where it's all about atmosphere and filling tummies with yum.

Hold onto your wallets because we're going in :D

Chinta Ria Malaysian Restaurant, Darling Harbour Sydney!At the edge of Darling Harbour...

Giant Stone Buddha, Chinta Ria SydneyA giant stone buddha watches over the restaurant (haha tap him, he is hollow!)

Inside Chinta Ria
Tables Inside Chinta RiaStill quite empty at 6:15pm on a Saturday... but by 6:30pm people were queuing out the door so turn up early to secure your seats, they don't accept dinner bookings!


These bowls are half the reason to love Chinta Ria! There is a certain joy about being able to eat your coconut rice and rendang from a bright green bowl with orange insides.

If there is ever a Sydney power surge and the whole city gets thrown into mayhem, the first thing you should do is break into Chinta Ria and steal away as many bowls as you can carry.

Mmm Parker's Gems, Chinta RiaMMmm the menu called these Parker's Gems ($8.60) but I call them Nuggets of Delight. Take a bite and reveal insides of spiced potato blended with minced chicken, coriander and silver thread noodles (a pretty name for cellophane noodles)

Beef RendangTraditional Malaysian beef rendang for $23 - beef chunks simmered in an aromatic curry stew and infused with the richness of coconut milk until gorgeously thick and fairly nutty. You can smell the galangal (asian ginger) and kaffir lime floating towards you when the waitress puts down the dish

Random Dad fact: good rendang takes around four hours to cook! Haha so if you work it out by hour, this dish will only set you back around six bucks ;]

Roti Canai, Chinta Ria$4.90 Roti Canai - mmm soft, pillow-like Malaysian bread, designed to be torn into strips and dipped in delicious rendang sauce

Red Temple Chicken RouladeRed Temple Chicken Roulade ($25) has an interesting name.... temples means monks, right? But if monks are generally vegetarian..... then what exactly is a 'temple chicken'!
Anyway, this red temple chicken comes in a mildly spicy red sauce that altogether was probably a bit too mild for me, as if the ratio of chicken to sauce was stuck too much on the chicken side! although it has some nice flavours going with garlicky chilli and lemongrass

Happy Red Bowl with Chicken Roulade and Roti CanaiMmyumyumyum

Lots of Joss Sticks :DAs we were walking out we noticed this cup full of joss sticks at the entrance!
Could it be that we were being invited to light one for ourselves?

Lighting the Joss StickLighting the Joss Stick

Altar in front of the BuddhaThere is an altar in front of the Buddha where you can stick in your lit joss sticks, after whispering your prayers to the goddess of mercy, your grandparents, etc

The lovely smiley giant Buddha says goodbyeThe smiley giant Buddha says goodbye


[hide] twilley said...

xD temple chicken. i guess it would mean vegetarian religious chickens? rofl. xD

man, how did that statue fit right through the doors? good thing he's hollow too, or they would have a VERY tough time getting him on a table strong enough to stand him xD

the food looks great :3

on May 2, 2009 at 2:56 PM

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[hide] Grace said...

hmm maybe they just found the buddha just sitting there and decided to build chinta ria around him

on May 6, 2009 at 11:02 PM

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[hide] CHARLIE says yes said...

christ, so many photos
I love that giant Buddha!

on May 2, 2009 at 5:16 PM

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[hide] Grace said...

photos are good! not so good if you have dialup though looool and now I shall laugh at you: hahahahahaha

on May 6, 2009 at 11:03 PM

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[hide] OohLookBel said...

hi Grace, I haven't been to Chinta Ria since it opened years ago. The food still looks good. And love your photos!

on May 2, 2009 at 9:24 PM

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[hide] foongpc said...

What an interesting place! And your writing is very funny too! haha!

on May 3, 2009 at 1:10 AM

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[hide] Grace said...

hahaha! :D

on May 6, 2009 at 11:06 PM

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[hide] Megan {Feasting on Art} said...

I love roti canai. Thanks for the heads up, I will have to go and visit this place!

on May 3, 2009 at 5:21 PM

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[hide] Anonymous said...

Hee hee the Temple of LLUURRRRVVVVEEE ;) who did u go with ;)? I still have yet to try this place mmmm roti and rendannggg

on May 4, 2009 at 4:33 PM

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[hide] Grace said...

@ Belle@Ooh, Look
thanks belle :D yeah the menu's pretty classic~ I'm glad it hasn't changed! and argh I don't go as often as I'd like to either

on May 6, 2009 at 11:05 PM

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